Sunday, November 9, 2014

You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

Last week I got my wisdom teeth out. I was a little scared about the whole idea of being put to sleep, and getting my teeth ripped out of my head but, in the end it wasn’t bad at all. Now I have four more holes in my head, and a lot less wisdom. Honestly, why do they call them wisdom teeth? I mean they’re just extra teeth in our mouth that have to be taken out, or else they cause problems later on in life. I don’t think they are very “wise” at all. While writing this I just thought of something. I actually feel smarter now that they’re gone. Maybe it’s because the space they used to fill is now full of wisdom! Yeah, that must be it!

Sorry for getting so side tracked! Now I’m going to talk about food. When a person gets their wisdom teeth out their diet consists of mainly ice cream and pudding the first day, and soup and mashed potatoes for the next two days. After the first few days, harder foods can be eaten but, it’s still kind of difficult to chew. I mean, my mouth is still a bit sore.

The best thing about getting wisdom teeth out is eating ice cream….. and watching Netflix for hours. My best friend brought over some amazing mint chocolate gelato (one of my favorites!). She is, and always will be my favorite person because of that. Let that be a lesson, when soft foods are all your friend can eat, bring them their favorite ice cream. Mashed potatoes were another highlight of my week. My mom made some homemade garlic mashed potatoes, another one of my fav. foods.

The worst part about getting wisdom teeth out (aside from getting sick from the pain meds) is wanting food that you can’t eat. All the yummy food like pizza and chips were off limits, so I had to resort to eating pudding instead of pizza. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Word count: 340

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