Sunday, December 7, 2014

Vitamin C

With winter basically here, people are getting sick. No one wants to be sick, especially close to Christmas time. A great way to prevent catching anything is by getting enough vitamin C in your diet. It’s really not hard to do at all.  Some of my favorite fruits are packed with vitamin C like, clementines, oranges, and grapefruit. Since winter is orange season, these fruits taste great this time of year! One thing I love to do in the morning is make my own orange juice. I don’t make it by squeezing the juice into my glass. Instead I like to use my mom’s juicer. The great thing about the juicer is that since the whole orange (minus the peel) goes into it, I’m getting extra vitamins from the skin (the white part of the orange). A lot of the vitamin C comes from that part of the orange. Sometimes I juice clementines too, just because they are usually sweeter than oranges.

You can also get vitamin C from vegetables and vitamin pills. According to vegetables that have vitamin C in them are peppers, chives, parsley, kale, spinach, leeks, taro, broccoli, and a bunch more. So if you don’t like oranges, that’s not a problem! You can find vitamin C in a lot of your vegetables. There’s a list on the website above if you want to check that out. There are also certain powders or dissolving tabs that you can put in your water like, Emergen-C and Airborne. They fizz up and make your water taste fruity. This way you can drink your vitamins, if you don’t want to eat them.  

Along with getting enough vitamin C, it’s also important to avoid germs. Wash your hands often and don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Getting a lot of sleep also helps your immune system stay strong, and so does avoiding sugar. Emergen-C and Airborne have sugar in them so if you don’t want that, you can take a vitamin-C pill which probably healthier.

According to vitamin C is one of the most affective and safest nutrients. Outside of helping your cold (or helping you avoid a cold) vitamin C may include protection against cardiovascular disease, immune system deficiencies, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and wrinkling. So if you don’t have a cold you can still get these benefits from taking vitamin C.

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