Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Lifestyle Rather Than a Diet

From what I’ve observed, diets don’t work. What I mean by that is, I don’t think diets alone work. I think the approach that people need to take if they want to get in better shape would be to change their lifestyle. I think it is fine to go on a diet but, I don’t think a person should stop eating healthy once their diet is over. It should be a lifelong decision to be healthy; not a month long one.

                I just watched a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 2 (The first one is called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead but I haven’t seen it) about a man who juiced for 60 days. This was a “diet” but it was a kick start into his new lifestyle. He was juicing only fruits and vegetables so, when he went back to eating food he was eating a mostly plant-based diet. He changed his lifestyle completely and got great things out of it.

                His new lifestyle caused him to go off of his medications and loose a significant amount of weight. Now he goes around the world teaching people about juicing and eating healthy. He tells his stories to others, and has been able to impact towns at a time to drop their unhealthy habits.

                In this documentary there was an interview of a young boy whose mom started juicing for the family. He was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis at the age of two. A couple years later it had spread throughout most of his body and into his eyes. He was on several strong medications and the family was losing hope. They decided to start juicing and now the son is off some of his medication, he doesn’t have pain, and he’s less irritable and has more energy. This story is real proof that vegetables and fruits heal. Just think about how many people in the world would be off of their medications if they lived a primarily plant-based lifestyle.

                The one thing I want to know is why would someone want to diet until they reach their goal, then just stop? Why not keep going? If you change your lifestyle you will feel happier and healthier. Not only will you experience long lasting benefits; you will be able to share your triumphs with others. We need more health nuts in our world! Who knows, maybe you could be the change someone needs in their life! (408)

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